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March 6, 2023

Angel Bet Plus Original Series

Angel Bet Plus Original Series

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Check out New Series on Bet Plus Original called "Angel"

(Photos From Angel on Bet Plus)

"Angel" is a captivating new series on BET Plus, featuring the talented Efrangeliz Mendez in the lead role. The show tells the story of a Young Lady named Angel, who faces an incredible amount of trauma from the time she  was just a young child. After a horrific attack,  Angel is befriended by street wise Diamond who teaches her how to fight back and survive.


(Photos From Angel on Bet Plus)

One of the standout features of the series is Mendez's powerful performance as Angel. She brings depth and authenticity to the character, portraying her struggles with a rawness and vulnerability that is both moving and relatable. The supporting cast is also strong, with several standout performances that add depth and complexity to the story.


(Photos From Angel on Bet Plus)

Overall, "Angel" is a must-watch for fans of gritty and authentic dramas. With its strong performances, gripping storytelling, and powerful themes, it's a show that will stay with you long after the credits roll. While the series is still in its early stages, it's already showing great promise and is definitely worth checking out on BET Plus.