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Aug. 2, 2022

THE CHI EMMETT AND TIFF ! Was Tiff Justified for being Mad about Emmett and Kiesha becoming a couple?

THE CHI EMMETT AND TIFF ! Was Tiff Justified for being Mad about Emmett and Kiesha becoming a couple?
The Chi continues to push the envelope with all the social issues and this weeks episode has caused a debate over whether Girl Code was broken when Kiesha and Emmett reignite an old flame!
(Photos from The Chi on Showtime)
Girl code has been around  since the beginning of time, you don't get to mess with anybody I dated or slept with, Unless your'e in a Vortex like our "All American Family".
The Question is,  does Tiff have a real reason to be mad or should she be happy for who she calls her BestFriend Kiesha and her Baby Daddy Emmett.
(Photos from The Chi on Showtime)
This situation is complex and has a lot of layers because this isn't your typical Girl meets boy, boy cheats on girl, girl breaks up with boy and the Bestie hooks up with Boy! No this situation starts out very different and if you want the history then be sure to check out my Youtube video where i drop the basic history of this Trio.
Now Y'all, I stand by my opinion and I am definitely rocking with Team Kiesha and Emmet. I could be Bias since Emmett has been one of my favorite characters since this show started and I want to see him happy. I Do think this couple are actually right for each other.
(Photos from The Chi on Showtime)
In my opinion I believe Tiff has no reason to be Mad and that she chose to move on so Emmett should be able to move on with whomever he chooses and as Rob said "if she makes him happy then let them be happy."
Tiff seems to be hurt that Emmett moved on, not that he moved on with Kiesha and in this fans opinion I don't think she would have been happy with anybody he moved on with.
I think Tiff liked the idea of Emmett begging and chasing after her and she knows that  he and kiesha have a history and this ain't no Smash and Dash. Emmett love Kiesha and Kiesha loves him  and this is real, which means that Tiff and Emmett are officially over.
Let me know what Y'all think about this whole Situation.