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Feb. 20, 2023

Under His Influence BET Plus Original Non-Spoiler Review

Under His Influence BET Plus Original Non-Spoiler Review

Under His influence a Bet Plus Original Movie

Under His Influence - Movie | BET+

"Under His Influence" is an enthralling new film exclusively on BET Plus that explores the relationship of a Social Media Influencer and a young man fighting to prove his innocence.

Diamond Played by Sydney Mitchell falls for Sadiq, a young man who she believes has been wrongfully convicted of murder. Diamond Starts a crusade to free Sadiq using her influence and connections. She would later uncover a dark Secret that could change everything that she has built.

With Deshun Hardy's expert direction and a compelling script, "Under His Influence" is a captivating story that will keep you engaged from beginning to end. 


Don't Forget to Check out my Non Spoiler review of this film on Youtube.